Wednesday, March 31, 2010

so i'm about 17 journal entries behind in English class...

a little sidenote, English has always been my best subject. Math was my worst. Funnily enough, I'm pulling in a 96% in Math. I'm rapidly remembering high school English, where I would procrastinate my shit until the night before it was due. I wrote my 1000 word paper last week in under an hour. And this week I have to shape it up into a final draft and turn it in. Have I done this? No. Good times.

We get a journal assignment each week and I do believe I"m putting them off because I'm such a cynical asshole that the subjects we are given to write about just seem well...silly. How to change the world, someone in history that I admire. It all seems a little too 5th grade English to me. Sorry Shannan, you are an excellent teacher but at almost 33 years old (yep, time t start the countdown to my May birthday) I've been around the block enough to know crap isn't changing. I live in a big city where police officers are being laid off, school teachers are taking pay cuts, and then people wonder why the youth of today is just not getting reality?!?!

Ok, that was really just a giant soapbox and I need to step down with my arthritic old lady toes.

This entry is about something I could change in the world and since I can't change healthcare, unemployment rates, people mooching off the government that aren't even...ok, see, too heated. I'm going to talk about something I wish I could change and isn't maybe that significant but really it is.

TELEVISION! Whatever happened to SITCOMS. When I was 6 years old and in the first grade, I would walk home from school (I was a latchkey kid), lock myself in, take off my pants and run around in my barbie underwear, make myself a cup of chocolate milk, and watch Three's Company. Remember that slapstick comedy, where it was so ridiculous you laughed at the sheer stupidity? Where are those days? But then again, where ARE those days, where 6 year olds could walk 3 blocks alone to get home? I wouldn't send MY 10 YEAR old 3 blocks, but then again, I'd buy her a 300 dollar netbook. My mom didn't buy me $300 ANYTHING. My first car cost $500. I ask again...where are THOSE days.

It's almost like society today has gotten so wise and so hip, that we just can't buy into that kind of comedy anymore. That too dumb to be true comedy. I don't even watch TV much anymore because it seems for every sitcom out there, there are 10 reality shows. I do like Pawn Star but that's another story.

It's just that we are voyeurs by nature and we like the drama, the reality, the unscriptedness of life.

Or do we? If you ever watch these 2 minute media whores on interview shows, they will tell you it's ALL scripted. The producers manipulate the taping to make it look like a drama happened when it never took place.

I watched a thing about "America's next top model" (Which I will admit to having watched a few seasons of it) and one gal said "silly me, I thought I was entering a MODELING competition"

It makes me miss Chrissy and Jack, and Tootie and Natalie and Jo. As cheesy as they seem to us now, once, they were actually quite big hits. But I look at Leave it to Beaver and wonder if people really bought into that high on crack cocaine while we raise our family look on their faces like we bought into Threes company and people today buy into finding true love on The Bachelor.

If i could change the world, I'd bring back the days of cheesy programming because I"m nostaligic. I love 80s music, 70s hair, 60s tv shows, 50s clothes, and well, 2000s shoes. lol

But then again, I've never watched an episode of Idol. Maybe I'm just behind the times and need to get into that reality state of mind. Or maybe I will live in my own little reality world with my collections of Roseanne, Ellen, Frasier, and Friends on DVD. Maybe someday I'll add the Golden Girls to that collection. Back when TV was TV, women wore shoulder pads, men didn't have viagara, and telephones were rotary.

This probably isn't the most hardhitting journalism ever, but these aren't due until the end of the semester. So I'm not going to sweat it. I'm just trying to get back on track with them instead of saving them all for the end! Now I gotta find someone who is "interesting" and has a source to cite about them...Jeffrey Dahmer was interesting...